
All the G-Code for CNC machining in the Warren Tech Precision Machining Technology Class

Project maintained by CalebNeelCO Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

WT Gcode and Mastercam

All the G-Code for CNC machining in the Warren Tech Precision Machining Technology Class

License Plate Frame G-Code

o02200 - Drill Cycle
o02201 - Countour
o02202 - Pocket
o02203 - Radius
o02204 - Pocket Subprogram

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Fly Reel Balance Weight G-Code

o02205 - Main Program

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Alternator Mount Mastercam

Mastercam File
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Power Mount Mastercam

Mastercam File
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30 Degree Clamp

Mastercam File
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Tripple Tree

Mastercam File
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